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Yep another CBV review today! |
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Again sorry about the messy shots. |
Color: Dark jaded green
Cold Throw: I smell apples with an undercurrent of sweet subdued spices. It's not a fresh cut apple scent, but more like a country barrel full of apples. The spice compliments it quite well. We have a small apple orchard not far from my home and so I grew up with homebrewed apple cider and I have to say that this smells pretty darn close to the real deal.
Warm Throw: True to the scent in the container only the spices of the cider come out more strongly. The smell was noticeable, but not overwhelming in the least. It filled my bedroom and the hallway, but didn't travel to the rest of the house. I really like this scent and I know I will be burning it again soon when the leaves start changing and I have a mug of warm cider in my hands.
Pumpkin Cider:
Color: Burnt orange
Cold Throw: I pick up the pumpkin in this one more than the cider, but the blend between the two is devine. I get the sweetness from the pumkin and the spiciness of the cider all in one inhale. I actually liked this one on the cold throw better than the apple cider, which is really suprising because I don't really care for the taste or smell of pumpkins usually. So I was really impressed with this one.
Warm Throw: When it's burning you get a lot of spice in the beginning filled with the richness of the pumpkin. It kind of smells like pumpkin pie filling mixed in with some cider. The scent is comforting like it's drink counterpart. After melting this one I do think I prefer the apple cider to this one, but I'm bigger on apple smells and this is still an amazing scent.
Color: Maple brown
Cold Throw: So a little backstory on the decision to buy this one...My mom and I were on the computer before bed, trying to decide what scents to get, when my dad comes in and looks over our shoulders and picks out Clove and then just leaves...which wouldn't normally be such a weird thing except for the fact that my dad NEVER gets interested in what he considers "girly stuff". To him a scent either smells good or bad and he doesn't really care about candles or perfume at all. (He's worn the same cologne since I was born) So my mom and I just shrugged and bought it. I had never scented plain clove before so I thought it would smell herbal, which I'm not really into. However I was pleased to find that this doesn't smell plant like at all. I am now able to pinpoint that clove is what is in most country spice fragrances. It's a pure soft spice.
Warm Throw: The after burn is the same as the cold throw. When melted it makes a nice steady background of fragrance that isn't overly noticeable. It's great if you want the room to have a simple spice smell without it being too obtrusive. In the end my dad was happy saying that it reminded him of his childhood and my mom and I actually ended up liking it alot too.
Color: Burnt orange
Cold Throw: I have never smelt the original Y**k** Candle version of this scent so I cannot say if it's an exact dupe for it or not. But what I do smell is some country spicy notes mixed in with a crisp dried leaves smell. It's hard to put my foot (or nose rather) on the exact spices, I just know that it isn't a strong cinnamon or clove scent. (Though I do think there is a sprinkle of those two in there somewhere) After I cut into it there is a certain baking element that came out. I smell just a hint of pumpkin in there underneath all the other scents, but it's overshadowed by the rest.
Warm Throw: Smells like it does in the container only the baking element comes more into play and so does the sweet pumpkin. Overall it matches it's name and is a very fall in the countryside type fragrance. I'm saving the rest to burn around Thanksgiving. I quite like this one, but my mother absolutely adores this and it is currently her favorite CBV scent.
Spiced Vanilla:
Color: A dusty dark white
Cold Throw: I smell the spice first with a hint of vanilla. If I had to pick apart the spice element I'd say it was made of clove, and cinnamon. The steadiness of the vanilla sort of takes a backseat to the strongness of the spice, but you can still tell it is there. Not really much more I can think of to say. That pretty much summed it up.
Warm Throw: Although you get the spice notes more the vanilla does provide a great basenote and the two go together pretty well. I'd say the spice is the husband and the vanilla the wife of this relationship since the spice seems to stand out more while the vanilla stays strong and steady in the background. Yep, that's the vision I had in my head LOL!
Peanut Butter Cookies:
Color: Brown with a burnt orange tint
Cold Throw: I actually didn't really pick up the peanut butter in this one until I cut into it. I can smell a buttery baking undertone instead of just straight peanut butter. However after I did cut into it the peanut butter came out more and the baking quality made it smell pretty accurate to it's namesake.
Warm Throw: Accurate name is accurate. LOL! Smells just like warm peanut butter cookies baking in the oven. This one was really rich and buttery smelling. It really does live up to it's name. Not really much more I can say about it other than I do like that this one smells decidedly different than Reese's Peanut Butter even though they are both heavy peanut butter scents.
Reese's Peanut Butter:
Color: Brown with a burnt orange tint
Cold Throw: I smell the peanut butter more than the chocolate, but they still blend pretty well together. The chocolate isn't a really strong chocolate, but closer to an artificial chocolate smell. Still mixed in with the peanut butter it does indeed smell close to a real Reese's Peanut Butter cup just a teensy bit weaker on the chocolate part.
Warm Throw: Smelt like a Reese's to me just like the cold throw only a bit stronger with more depth to it. It has the richness of the peanut butter that accentuates the subtle chocolate notes. I liked this one even though I'm not a huge peanut butter fan in real life. Gotta be honest I was a bit tempted to go to the gas station and get a Reese's, but I did well and stuck to my health kick. Next time I crave the candy I will just pop in the rest of my scent shot and maybe eat some peanut butter with a dash of cocoa powder on it.
Bite Me:
Color: Maroon or mahogonay
Cold Throw: The first thing that came to my mind when I got this was Cherry 7-Up or like Shirley Temples. (The drink not the tiny actress!) I smell something that reminds me of carbonation or like fizzy bubbles. The cherry smell is that of an artificial syrup almost like Grenadine. I'm so amazed by this because it seems to smell the same and yet slightly different each time I sniff it. I don't even know how Victoria makes scents like this, but I love it!
Warm Throw: It still smelt like a Shirley Temple, but it had more of a fruit punch base note quality to it at first. Later when the wax had fully melted and burnt awhile I picked up on the tinyest hint of a leafy undercurrent. I have no idea what the plant was, but I liked it and it evened out the Haiwaiin Punch quality it had. The fragrance traveled from my room to the living room, but it wasn't super powerful to breathe in. It was a actually a really refreshing and entirely unique fragrance to have. This one I have to say was probably my favorite of the entire order.
Sweet Snow:
Color: Pure milky white
Cold Throw: It smells of soft peppermint. Like clear your nose, old fashioned stick candy peppermint. The background of vanilla keeps it from smelling too much like strong peppermint gum, making it just the perfect mixture of sweetness and sharpness. This one smells so good and soothing.
Warm Throw: This one was true to the cold throw. It was another "softer" burning scent that seemed to unobtrusively fill the room. The peppermint was light enough that it didn't attack my nose, no doubt subdued enough by the vanilla to where it didn't feel like I was burning Vick's Vapor Rub. It did however slightly clear up my stuffy nose. (Damn allergies!) This would probably be a good one to burn if you weren't feeling very well too. I really am falling in love with this scent. It's nothing to complex or unique, but the simple steady sweetness of it seems to fit perfectly for any day for me. I really like to drift off to sleep after burning this one. There is just something so soothing and comforting about it. I know I'm going to be buying a large candle of this one soon.
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Totally fangirling over Bite Me & Sweet Snow! |
Vanilla Bean Noel:
Color: A creamy milky white
Cold Throw: First off I would like to say that I have never tried or smelt the original Bath & Body Works version of this scent so I cannot compare it to that at all. With that being said, what I do smell is vanilla with a mixture of an almost sugary caramel undertone, and something else really thick and sweet which I am guessing is supposed to be the cream, with a perfumey basenote. I was kind of expecting this to smell more like a bakery scent after reading it's description, but I should have remembered that this was filed under the perfume section and for good reason. It has a heavy perfume quality to it.
Warm Throw: The perfume aroma only got stronger when I burnt it. It was so strong that I actually had to turn my burner off after a short while because it was beginning to give me a headache. The scent on this one is super strong and is probably one of the strongest I've tried out of all the scent shots I've had. Trying to salvage the situation, I put in a fourth of spiced vanilla and the VBN was still so strong that I couldn't even smell any of the spices past the perfume. I know that this one is a favorite on the boards, but sadly this just isn't my cup of wax and I ended up giving it to my aunt. I heard that it makes a great mixure for create a scents though so who knows maybe someday in the future I will buy another SS of this and just use it for that.
Home Sweet Home:
Color: Maroon/ dark fuchsia
Cold Throw: It's hard to describe this scent, especially since the website's only description of this is a potpourri of country spices. I pick up on the spices, but they aren't sharp or clear enough to be cinnamon, clove, or even nutmeg. They are of a much more subdued sweeter variety. I don't really know what they are honestly. It is definitely a country spice type fragrance though. And as vague and short as the original description is I have to say it's pretty dead on.
Warm Throw: This one has a very deep sickeningly sweetness to it when burned. I stick to what I said before that the short description really is the best description for it. It's just a really sweet country spiced potpourri. Me no likey this one all that much so probably wont be getting it again. It was just too sweet and cloying for my tastes.
Honey Vanilla Love Dust:
Color: Goldenrod yellow
Cold Throw: First thing to know is that this one is STRONG! I don't even have to open the container to smell it. The top note to this is definitely cocoa powder. It's not so much chocolatey as just straight powder from the can that you bake with. There is a basenote of a different kind of baking sweetness underneath it, but I couldn't have been able to tell you distinctly that it was honey or vanilla if I didn't know that those were the ingrediants supposed to be in there. I just kind of smelt sweet, rich cocoa powder,emphasis on the powder.
Warm Throw: Honestly it burns the same as the cold throw. The only difference I noticed was that it had an almost, dare I say...butter(?) like undercurrent to it. Truthfully, this was another one I didn't really care for though I did like it better than VBN and HSH. It was just a bit too sweet for my nose and there was something about this one that rubbed me wrong. It's not a gross scent mind you, but I think I just didn't care for the powdery notes of it.
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My feelings on VBN, Home Sweet Home, & HVLD. |
Color: Milky dusky white
Cold Throw: Smells like sweet shredded baking coconut like the kind you buy in packages at the grocery store. On the cold throw alone the aroma is kind of weak compared to some of Victoria's others, but after cutting it into fourths it was really strong.
Warm Throw: I stand by what I said earlier, smells like shredded baking coconut not like the type that smells like suntan lotion. The fragrance is steady and it doesn't spread to the rest of the house. Think I will be using this as a mixer for some of my own create a scent concoctions.
Tahitian Passion:
Color: Deep purple
Cold Throw: This was my free scent shot with this order and the scent is really complex. I smell some kind of citrus and exotic type fruit with a heavy basenote of musk. It's definitely tropical, but I don't smell any coconut or pineapple that are usually associated with tropical scents. This one kind of reminds me of a tropical designer perfume or a really expensinve tanning oil.
Warm Throw: The fruity tones come out more and tone down the heady musky smell to where it doesn't smell so much like tanning oil anymore. I'm really stumped on what the exact fruits in this are because it's not like anything I can readily identify such as coconut, pineapple, kiwi, or any melons I can think of. So frustrating! Then again I live in the Midwest nowhere near anything tropical at all so my fruit index is a little limited. Though I due suspect that there may be some oranges and mangos in there, but don't qoute me on it!
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So I just got my September 1st order in the mail and I'm so excited! I'm going to be photographing the scent shots BEFORE I cut them up so they may actually look presentable for the next review. So it may be awhile before I get that review up because I have to let them all cure, burn them, and write up the descriptions, but I hope you all look forward to that. Also it was my first time playing candle bingo on CBV's forum board The Pouring Pot and I won! I never win anything so talk about beginner's luck. I wond a five dollar gift voucher for my next order so you guys know I can't let that go to waste! So I will probably be ordering even more sometime soon so look forward to those as well. Congratulations you made it to the end of this post! Give yourself a pat on the back and something good to eat you deserve it! Until next time my felllow wax addicts!
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