Hello everyone! Today I thought I'd do something different than my usual haul/reviews and instead show you all where I now store all my scent shots from
Candles By Victoria and also how I went about decorating it. So I just bought this cheap plastic Sterilite drawer at Wall-mart. As you can see it's nothing special or fancy, just one drawer because so far my collection fits in just this one. I only got the one drawer version because I slide it underneath my bed
so nobody steals my precious for safe keeping...
What it looked like when I bought it. |
So this was entirely too boring and plain jane for me. And since most of my posts are about CBV and since I go almost everyday burning one of my scent shots I thought they deserved a prettier place to be stored...okay truthfully I was just bored and wanted something to do, but that's not the point... Anyways the process is pretty simple and cheap to do. BTW I bought all of my items from Hobby Lobby, but I'm sure you can find these items in any craft store. So here is what you are going to need: Scrapbook/any decorative paper, a pen/pencil, a jar of Modge Podge, an X-acto knife, a ruler/tape measurer, a small sponge paint applicator/small paintbrush, and some old newspaper.
Some of the tools I used. |
Now the first thing you will want to do is to make sure that the surface of your container is clean and doesn't have any dust or unwanted gunk on the surfaces. Next what you will want to do is find a big enough space to where you can work comfortably and put down some old newspapers. The newspapers are to keep your floors safe from any dripping Modge Podge. After you've done this you will want to get out the paper that you wish to cover your container in. I suggest using thicker sheafs of paper, because you don't want the glue underneath to show through your papers or make any dark wet spots. After choosing your papers decide where and exactly how you want them to go. Then you will need to take your ruler or measuring tape and measure out the dimensions of the places where you want to place your paper. Then you will want to mark the places you need to trim the paper to fit with a pen or pencil on the backside of your papers. After you have marked the places you need to cut then take your X-acto knife and slowly cut along your markings. Small tip: Use a ruler to create a straight edge while you cut with your X-acto knife. Do this until all of your papers are cut into the desired dimensions.
All of my cut out pieces. |
Now you will want to turn your papers over to the blank side and take out your modge podge. I suggest having a damp rag on hand just in case because it can get a little messy and you might need to wash off any glue that gets on any unwanted parts of the container. Then you will need to get out your sponge tip applicator or paintbrush. I used a sponge tip because it soaked up some of the excess glue.
The brush I used. |
Then you will want to gently dip the brush you are using into the modge podge, you don't need a whole lot at first. Then you will "paint" the modge podge onto the blank sides of your cut out papers. I suggest only doing one at a time because it makes them easier to stick on as you go. Make sure you don't use a whole lot of modge podge because you want a thin coat so it doesn't bubble or squeeze out the edges of your papers when you lay them onto your container. Next you will want to paint another thin layer of modge podge onto the surface of your container where you are planning to place the paper. After that you will gently place the paper onto the conatainer. Be sure to be easy and careful with this part because you don't want your paper to be lopsided. Make sure you smooth out all the wrinkles as best as you can. The thinner the paper you used the more likely it is to wrinkle that's why I reccomended the thicker paper. Once you have pasted on all of your papers to your satisfaction take your damp rag and wipe off any excess modge podge that may have dripped onto any other places of your container. Next you let it dry overnight. Then Viola! Your plastic container has a new make-over!
The full view. |
The very front, you probably can't see the glitter. |
And the backside... |
As you can see I decorated the top, the front, and the back. I left the sides bare because I still wanted to be able to see what was in the sides just in case in the future I had to buy and decorate another one of these and put mustard jars, tureens, or anything else in general inside of those. Now you can obviously get really creative with these and add rhinestones, name labels, stickers, ect... The possibilities are endless and all up to you. I kept mine pretty simple since it is just going to be stashed underneath my bed
and I got lazy. Anyways that completes this little D.I.Y. post and I hope some of you guys found it to be helpful. I've got alot more posts already in the works so check back regularly for those if you are interested! Until next time guys!
Makeover Completed! |
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