Time For Another Round Of Scent Shots! |
Hello again everyone. I came to the conclusion that I didn't like how I set up my last review and thus have decided to try and mix the old way I used to do my reviews with the new way. As you will see the shots will still be divided up by the categories they are placed in under the master fragrance list, but I will arrange them in order from the ones I like to the ones I don't while still including more fun gifs to giggle at.
First Up Are The Bakery Scents! |
Raspberry Zinger:
Color: Crayola's Maroon
Cold Throw: This is a really juicy fruity smell. You get the edge of citrus from the key limes, but the tartness is tampered down by the pure juicy sweetness of the wild raspberries. It has a really nice kick to it that I find a lot of the lime like scents have. This kind of reminds me of a really yummy gum I used to chew when I was a kid, but I can't remember the name of it. This one is really fruity and sweet. So if you like Victoria's raspberry scents or even her lime scents like Fizzy Pop then you might want to give this one a try.
Warm Throw: So this one is really great. It keeps it's wonderful juiciness. The name is actually really perfect for this scent because the raspberries give the fragrance this really juicy sweetness while the limes round it out by giving it this nice zing that gives it a kick and keeps it from being too sweet. The scent throw on this one is moderate to strong. Not exactly in your face, but it's definitely noticeable.
Fair Day:
Color: Milk Chocolate Brown
Cold Throw: So this is a combination of Caramel Apple and Cotton Candy. On cold throw I mainly smell the rich warm caramel with just the faintest whispers of tart green apples and sweet fluffy cotton candy underneath. I have to say the cold throw is really kind of weak so it's hard to sniff out anything other than the yummy caramel, but when you close your eyes and inhale you can make out the apples and cotton candy burried underneath there.
Warm Throw: This is a bit more on the milder side of scents that I've tried. I will have to remember to burn more than a quarter at a time for a better throw. That being said this was a pretty good fragrance. I mainly smelled the caramel over all things, but it had an undercurrent of the sugary sweet cotton candy. The tart green apples were mostly lost in the overall throw, but if you closed your eyes and inhaled deeply you could find it, but if you weren't trying you would never guess they were in there. This is another mixture I find totally unique. I've never smelt caramel cotton candy in wax form before. Then again I've never eaten caramel cotton candy before either...
Caramel Apple:
Color: Saddle Brown
Cold Throw: Once again we have another scent that does justice to it's namesake. I smell real crisp green apples layered with warm and thick caramel. On cold throw alone the green apples seem to be the more dominant of the two fragrances, but the caramel is still noticeable. This fragrance is sweet and simple just like the yummy treat it represents.
Warm Throw: When this one is warmed up all I smell is rich caramel with just the faintest touch of the green apples. The warm caramel dominates this scent, but there is a tiny hint of the apples in there. I liked this one better on cold throw because the green apple notes were more noticeable. Despite that, if you are a big caramel fan and not so big on strong apple scents then this little guy is your new best friend. This one had a meduim average scent throw.
Color: Dandelion Yellow
Cold Throw: Am I the only one thinking of the Blake Shelton song when I see this? Anyways, I mainly get a mixture of floral notes in this one with a hint of a sweeter background. I can pick out rose, which is a scent I am not very fond of, but it is slight and tempered down by an airy floral that smells to me like honeysuckle though I could be wrong. There is the faintest hint of orange zest in there, but it is pretty much swallowed up by the floral. While the floral isnt overly strong it still is the main note that I get. I don't get any cinnamon at all with this one.
Warm Throw: I really thought that this one was going to be one I would never burn again, but it actually surprised me. The honey notes which seemed non-existent on cold throw turned out to be the main fragrance note when warmed up. I still get a little bit of the rose undertones but it isn't strong like it was before it was warmed. The cinnamon remains missing in action though and the scent throw is a little on the weaker side so be sure to use at least half a scent shot if you really want it to fill the room.To me this one smells like Bath Time With Pooh only with a slight floral background.
Me Gusta! |
Root Beer:
Color: Root Beer Brown
Cold Throw: This is yet another dead on scent. It smells just like straight up Root Beer. It could be a perfect dupe for A&W, IBC, or Barqs Root Beer. It has that sweet tangy kick to it that the real beverage has and I like that it doesn't smell weak. It is a strong Root Beer fragrance.
Warm Throw: I really liked this on cold throw, but when warmed up I still get the yummy Root Beer fragrance, but there is a strong undercurrent of spice that smells a lot like anise to me and I DESPISE anise with the passion of a million burning suns! I'm not sure if I just got a dud or what, but I had to turn off my warmer because I just can't handle even the slightest bit of anise. Such a shame because I really wanted to like this one too. However if a little bit of anise doesn't bother you then you might like this one more than I do.
..Anise...I just can't... |
Clean, Floral, & Earthy... |
Mango Tango:
Color: Crayola's Mango Tango lol
Cold Thow: So this is another dupe for a Gain laundry detergeant. I had tried Gain Island Fresh before and while it was a nice scent I found it was a bit too clean smelling for me. A bunch of people recommended I try Mango Tango instead because it is sweeter. So now that I have it I can understand why people like it so much. It is still a clean type fragrance, but it has this soft sweetness underneath it. I get the clean detergeant smell, but it sits on top of light fruity notes and soft florals. All the fragrances mix really well together to create an entirely new scent. This one's really nice if you are like me and like clean scents, but don't want that harsh detergeant or chemical cleaner smell.
Warm Throw: This has got to be my favorite in the clean category out of everything I've tried so far. It is nice and fruity, yet still it has that clean freshness to it that keeps it from being too harsh and detergeant like. Everybody who came over and smelled my living room liked it. It's so lovely and refreshing. I'm really glad I tried this one. From now on when I want my house to smell clean, but don't feel like actually cleaning it I'm going to pop one of these babies in the tart warmer. The throw on this one was pretty decent as well.
Butt Naked:
Color: Pearl White
Cold Throw: Truthfully I just wanted to try this one because I got a kick out of the name lol. This is a very citrusy scent. I get a blend of lemons and limes, with a hint of orange in there somewhere. There is this house cleaner scent underneath it all though. The teakwood doesn't make it smell earthy at all, instead this just smells like something fresh and citrusy that I would use to mop my floors with. It's nice if you are a fan of light cirtus clean fragrances.
Warm Throw: This one continued to smell like a light house cleaner to me although the lime and orange scents vanished completely and were ultimately replaced by the lemons. This one kind of reminds me of the dusting cleaner Pledge only not as chemical or heavy smelling and with a touch of sweetness. I thought at first I was crazy to think it smelt like that and it was propbably just my brain's subconscious way of telling me to stop procrastinating and to dust the house, but then my mom came into the room and blatantly asked if I was dusting or just burning something to make it smell that way...oh mom you know me and my hatred for dusting too well...
The moment you realize you still have to clean your house... |
Pomegranate Oak:
Color: Plum
Cold Throw: This is one of the newer scents that CBV has come out with. Being a fan of Apples And Oaks I had to give this one a try. On cold throw however I don't get any of the wonderful oak smell that I get in Apples And Oaks. This doesn't smell earthy at all cold. Instead I mainly just get a really really sweet artificial pomegranate syrup. The scent reminds me of something, like pomegranate Kool-Aid powder mixed with Caro syrup. It's not bad, but wasn't at all what I was expecting.
Warm Throw: This one ended up smelling like two things to me. The first thing that came to mind were those little MIO things that are basically flavored syrup that you put in water to trick your tastebuds into thinking that you aren't actually drinking water. And the second thing that came to mind was children's cough syrup. It just is a heavy artificial fruit syrup kind of smell to me. It has absolutely no oak in it that my nostrils can scent out. I am not a fan of MIO or children's cough syrup so sadly my nose was not a fan of this scent either.
Magnolia Blossom:
Color: Blush Pink
Cold Throw: Truthfully speaking, I've never really stopped and smelt a true magnolia so I can't say for sure if this is a perfect magnolia scent, but I will tell you what I do get. It is undeniably a straight up floral, not a mixture of a bunch of florals, but just one consistent flower. The throw on this one is really strong! Truthfully it smells just like I picked up a real flower and smelt it. There isn't a hint of artificial floral smell in here at all. I'm guessing that this is a perfect dupe for a real magnolia. I think true magnolia lovers would not be disappointed.
Warm Throw: I'll be honest and say that I did not end up burning this one because certain floral scents tend to give me a headache. While I thought that the scent on cold throw was nice, I could just tell that this fragrance was going to be one that, once I burned it, would drift up through my nose and sucker punch me right in the brain. The scent throw is so strong cold that I just know it would be an instant headache inducer. So I decided to spare myself and my brain the scent assault and instead keep it whole and pretty to swap in the round robin. Hopefully someone who isn't such a scent sissy like me will enjoy it more.
Cough syrup and heavy florals? Get them away! |
Now Onto The Fruity Fragrances... |
Champagne Pomegranate:
Color: Crayloa's Razzmatazz
Cold Throw: So this is a combination of Fizzy Pop and Pomegranate. I have to say that is exactly what I smell. I get the carbonated bubbles from the Fizzy Pop that tickle my nose, however the citrusy notes are covered up completely by the sweet fruityness of the Pomegranates. This doesn't have a sharp gross alcohol like smell at all like real champagne or typical champagne like fragrances tend to have. It is a sweet juicy tingly fragrance.
Warm Throw: The Fizzy Pop part of the fragrance comes out a bit stronger than the Pomegranate, but it's still a pretty equal mix as far as over all scent throw goes. I get a slightly sweet bubbly champagne smell. It's a really uniqe fragrance that I don't think you could get from most candle companies. The name is really accurate and the scent throw is decently strong. So if you like that tingly effervescent kick that Fizzy Pop has, but aren't too into the lemony lime scent that goes with it you might just want to give this one a try.
Green Apple:
Color: Jaded Green
Cold Throw: This is a tart yet sweet green apple fragrance. It reminds me a little bit of Sour Apple Jolly Rangers. It's more sweet than tart, but you still get that sharp tartiness right at the edge of all the sweetness. I like this one because while it is an apple scent it isn't as sweet or crisp smelling like a lot of them tend to be. This one pretty much lives up to it's name and description.
Warm Throw: The throw on this one smelled pretty much the same as on cold throw only a smidge less sweet. While I really like this fragrance I noticed the scent throw was a little less than medium. Next time I'm going to have to use half the scent shot instead of my usual quarter because the scent didn't last very long in my warmer. I also happened to notice that this is the same green apple smell that is used in the other CBV fragrance Apple Vanilla. It's nice, but a little on the weak side.
Raspberry Guava:
Color: Crayola's Jazzberry Jam
Cold Throw: This one is a really juicy fruity type fragrance that's hard to describe exactly. If you have ever tried Sugar Kisses then you will be able to pinpoint the Raspberry Guava immediatley, but if you haven't then it gets a little tricky. It is a sweet almost candy like raspberry fragrance, but with a really juicy base to it. I'm finding most of Victoria's raspberry scents are on the really sweet side as opposed to the tart fragrance of the real things. If you like Victoria's raspberry scents like I do then you will love this one.
Warm Throw: Smells to me like an artificial candy syrup like raspberry rounded out with a thicker juicy base that gives it a nice depth to it. It's true to the cold throw and is just a really sweet and fruity candied raspberry scent. The throw on this one isn't bad, but I feel like it's better used in smaller or closed off rooms. I don't think the throw would be as good in an open and wide space. I'm finding that I have yet to come across one of Victoria's raspberry scents that I haven't liked. Still there is a lot more to try.
I Was Not Disappointed With Any Of The Fruity Scents. |
Houseblends! |
Tokyo Spring:
Color: Pacific Blue
Cold Throw: I have to admit that I'm always leary when I try any scent with florals in the description, however I had heard such rave reviews about this one even from avid floral haters that I had to try it for myself and I'm so glad I did. I get a strong whiff of pure fresh air coupled with a very toned down melon scent sitting on top of a bed of very pretty and gentle florals. This is a very refreshing and lovely scent. It's light and sweet without being sugary sweet. Smells AMAZING! Perfect for the spring time.
Warm Throw: The honeydew comes out more once it's warmed up, but it is in no way overpowering. I still get the fresh and pretty florals in the undercurrents. The scent throw on this one is on the stronger side, but it doesn't feel like you just got punched in the nose by the fragrance. It's just all around a very fresh and lovely springtime scent. If you aren't very big on florals, but like fruity airy fragrances and are looking to broaden your scent horizons then I would reccomend you try this one!
Hell On Heels:
Color: Dark Brick Red
Cold Throw: This one is another one that's tricky to describe because it has a lot going on. I mainly get blood orange (like a dark orange not a refreshing orange juice orange) with a background of feminine musk. To me this is a "darker" more sensual smelling woman's perfume smell. You get the dark fruity fragrance that sits atop the musk nicely without one scent overpowering the other. Just a musky and sweet perfume scent.
Warm Throw: Smells pretty much the same on warm throw only the musk is toned down and the fruity notes are a bit more noticeable. I have to say what comes to mind when I smell this is a high-maintenace woman in chic clothing and fabulous high heels walking past me and this is the perfume she wears that lingers after she's gone. Hey don't judge me, judge my imagination. It tends to do whatever it wants anyway... Still it's like a really fruity and sensual woman's perfume.
Both scents are very pretty, just in very different ways. |
Sonny & Cher:
Color: Crayola's Razzmatazz
Cold Throw: I have to say this one is probably one of the more unique fragrances I've had from CBV. I get a cool minty tone with a bamboo top note. On closer inspection I also get a hint of the verbana around the edges. This is a really different and complex scent with a pretty good cold throw. This scent to me feels like a heavier spa like fragrance.
Warm Throw: Sadly I wanted to like this one more than I do. I love minty smells so I thought this one would be right up my alley but I don't know if it's the verbana or the bamboo that puts me off. It's not a bad scent by any means, just not one that I care for. I think the complicated mixture of scents just makes my nose want to cry. The scent isn't anything too over-powering or anything, you just kind of get mint with a spa like bamboo fragrance. I can see a lot of other people really liking this one, it's just not to my taste.
Not bad, but not great either... |
Perfume & Tropical Fragrances... |
Pink Sugar:
Color: Crayola's Jazzberry Jam
Cold Throw: So this is an Aquolina perfume dupe. I do have a small sample bottle of this particular fragrance and comparing them I can definitely tell that they are the same fragrance, however Victoria's version is stronger. I get that real sugary cotton candy like base mixed with candylike fruit notes with just the tiniest hint of musk underneath. For those of you like me who are instantly turned off by the word "musk" let me assure you that it is very faint and doesn't smell manly or old and thick in the least. (I personally tend to think of mothballs and sweat when I hear the word musk) This scent is super girly and sweet smelling. So if you are a fan of the perfume or just really sugary sweet scents in general then this one is for you.
Warm Throw: Smells pretty much the same on warm throw as it did on cold throw only not quite as strong. This is one of those smells that I think make better mixers than just plain burners. I might have to get a little creative and play around with this one. (Puts on labcoat and mad scientist gloves) It's just a sugary sweet girlish perfume fragrance. The scent throw was decent, but not anything to write home about.
Hawaiian Splash:
Color:Faded Navy Blue
Cold Throw: This one smells just like fruit punch. I wouldn't say it's a perfect dupe of Hawaiiain Punch, because I think Hawaiian Punch has a more artificial syrupy sweet smell while this one has a more real and true smelling straight up tropical fruit punch fragrance. It's really fruity and has a pretty strong cold throw.
Warm Throw: First off I have to say that this baby is STRONG! It has an amazing scent throw. The aroma started to fill my living room before I even turned my warmer on. I feel the same as I did on cold throw with this one and that is that while it smells just like a tropical fruit punch, it doesn't smell exactly like Hawaiiain Punch because it lacks that really sweet artificial syrup element that the real drink has. Still if you are looking for a summer time scent that is unique and fun and you like the smell of fruit punch then this little fella deserves an invite to your next pool party. (Hey, kiddy pools count as pools too.)
Not bad. I could take them or leave them. |
Cherry Blossom:
Color: Dark Raspberry
Cold Throw: This is a another dupe for a Bath & Body Works scent. I get a powdery floral scent with a background whiff of dry white rice with the faintest hint of something sweet and woodsy like Twilight Woods. (Perhaps just wishful thinking on my part on that last bit) As it had time to cure I noticed a slight spice show up as well. It is notifiably asian smelling, but a bit too old lady make-up powder smelling for me. The scent throw on cold is a marginal bit over medium.
Warm Throw: This is another one that I'm choosing to swap instead of burn. It wasn't a bad scent in any way. I'm sure I could have melted it and not have been too put off by it, but I really just did not want my house to smell like the old lady wearing a spice perfume and too much beauty powder that I imagined in my head. That's the image my mind invoked everytime I opened the container and I just couldn't get past it. I know a lot of people don't have as strange a mind as I do so I'm sending Cherry Blossom off in the Round Robin for someone else to enjoy.
Yes, I'm fully aware of just how crazy that last description sounded... |
That conclude this month's scent reviews. I hope you like the new layout of how I'm setting the reviews up. I hope it is at least a little more organized looking than it was before. I know last month's was a total disaster lol. I'm aware that some of the reviews were kind of crazy, but blame it on a busy schedule and not enough sleep. Hopefully some of you guys found a new scent to add to your try lists and if you didn't then at least I hope you got a few kicks out of all the GIF's. That's a wrap for now. Until next month's review see you all later!