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Scent shots that is... |
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Septemeber 1st order! |
Apple Vanilla:
Color: Light Jade Green
Cold Throw: This one instantly reminded me of a candy apple smell. Almost smells exactly like a sour apple Jolly Rancher. I can tell that the apple is granny smith (even if the color alone didn't give it away) because it has that sweet yet sharp tartness to it. The vanilla blends flawlessly into the apple so that I can't pick it out on its own, but I can tell that it gives the apples it's artificial candy feel.
Warm Throw: Smells the same as on cold throw, but the vanilla comes more into play and it doesn't smell too candy-like anymore. The apple continues to be the dominant fragrance, but the vanilla gives it a soft depth. This scent is very pleseant to my nose as it isn't too strong or too sweet. Apple is probably my all time favorite scent in just about anything and this has just made my top favorites list for it's wonderful steady mixture of apples and vanilla. I have already ordered this in an 8oz candle.
Strawberry Margarita:
Color: Dark Raspberry
Cold Throw: This one is so unique because while it does smell like strawberries, it also has a "cool" undertone to it. It's really hard to describe. It's like it literally has an "icy" current to it that chills the strawberries. So strange and amazing! The strawberry is not a fresh cut strawberry or an artificial syrup kind of strawberry. The only thing I can say about this is that it really does smell like it's name only without any hint of alochol. This one is so refreshing!
Cold Throw: This one is so unique because while it does smell like strawberries, it also has a "cool" undertone to it. It's really hard to describe. It's like it literally has an "icy" current to it that chills the strawberries. So strange and amazing! The strawberry is not a fresh cut strawberry or an artificial syrup kind of strawberry. The only thing I can say about this is that it really does smell like it's name only without any hint of alochol. This one is so refreshing!
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OMG a WHOLE scent shot! |
Color: Burnt Orange
Cold Throw: There was a lot of talk going on in the boards about this one so I decided to get it and now I can see why. This is the perfect autumn scent. It smells like a rich blend of crisp dried leaves, and something that I believe is anise. This one has an airy earthiness to it like a walk in the fall air when all the leaves have changed and are falling on the ground.
Warm Throw: This one is just leaves, spice, and everything nice. It's a really crisp mix of earthiness and soft spices with an airy lightness to it that keeps it from being a heavy or "thick" aroma. If I were to just choose one scent that matched the fall season it would be this one.
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My feels in a nutshell on AV, SM, & UTHM. |
Color: Fern Green
Cold Throw: This smells just like the original DKNY Be Delicious perfume. It is a perfect dupe! It's main components are soft and light florals with just a touch of fruity sweetness. as I've mentioned before I'm not a fan of florals in general, but I adore this scent. It is light enough that it does not give me a headache like most flowery scents tend to. So if you don't like florals, but are looking for something different I suggest giving this one a try.
Cold Throw: This smells just like the original DKNY Be Delicious perfume. It is a perfect dupe! It's main components are soft and light florals with just a touch of fruity sweetness. as I've mentioned before I'm not a fan of florals in general, but I adore this scent. It is light enough that it does not give me a headache like most flowery scents tend to. So if you don't like florals, but are looking for something different I suggest giving this one a try.
Warm Throw: The florals in this one are really of a "lighter" variety than most and they make up the majority of this fragrance. You don't really get much of the apples at all, though it still is a semi-sweet smell. I really like this one because it doesn't feel as if I'm suffocating in a wedding bouquet or the perfume isle after some rambunctious shoppers have over sprayed every scent.
Orange Vanilla Coffee:
Color: Burnt Orange
Cold Throw: This was my free scent shot with my order. It just kind of smells like a Dreamsicle to me. The throw is a little weak on this one too. All I smell is creamy vanilla with a sweet artificial orange smell. I don't smell any coffee at all. In fact it smells slightly of orange sherbert.
Pomegranate & Cider:
Color: Hunter Green
Cold Throw: This one is more on the fruity side than the cider on first sniff. I don't know what straight pomegranate smells like on it's own, but I'm guessing that's what this one smells like. It's pomegranate with a little spice. It's sweet and fruity with the tiniest splash of warm soft spiciness. Out of all of the cider scents that I have this one has the least amount of actual cider in the smell.
Warm Throw: As I said earlier the cider element in this is really kind of faint, but it blends wonderfully with the strong pomegranate. This is way more sweet than spicy, but it is still a warm comforting scent that is great for the fall.
Zucchini Bread:
Color: Coffee Brown
Cold Throw: I bought this because it is said to be one of the more popular scents of Victoria's. And while I love real zucchini bread I haven't had one in years so I can't really say for sure if it smells like the real deal or not. But what I do smell is an undertone of baked bread with a sweet spiciness to it. It feels sort of homey and is definitely a bakery scent, but on cold throw alone I'm kind of up in the air on this one. It had a note that I'm just not sure about.
Warm Throw: Once burned, I pick up the sweet vegetable notes of the zucchini coupled along with the yeast of the baked bread. There is also a faint undertone of some soft baking spices in there, but they are subdued. The throw on this one is kind of strong and the scent traveled to other parts of the house. I wasn't really sure about this one on the cold throw, but now that I've burnt it I think it's a really good bakery scent and I can see how it is popular.
Rae's Hot Coco & Marshmallows:
Color: Coffee Brown
Cold Throw: I mainly just smell Marshmallow Campfire in this one with just the tiniest hint of cocoa. The scent throw on this one is kind of weak so I don't pick up on much more than that. As it sits and cures longer I do get more of a cocoa powder smell, but the Marshmallow Campfire overpowers it.
Warm Throw: The cocoa comes out once it is burning and it blends flawlessly with the marshmallow campfire to where you can't say one scent is more dominant to the other. The scents combine to make just one comforting steady aroma. It doesn't really smell exactly like hot cocoa with marshmallows to me, but it does have that chocolatey smell. I just wish it was a bit richer like maybe if they added some cream or sweet milk to it to give it more depth. Still I liked this one and the throw came out way more after it was melted.
Strawberry Crunch:
Color: Dark Raspberry
Cold Throw: This kind of just smells like strawberry jam with a slight pastry note. It's almost like a strawberry toaster strudel only without the vanilla icing. That's really all I get on the cold throw. Not much else I can add about it.
Warm Throw: Same scent as in the container, it just kind of smells like thick strawberry jam with a hint of something bakery in the base notes. This one is really sweet, but I don't find it to be sickeningly sweet. Also this one is decently strong when burned, but the aroma didn't seem to travel to other parts of the house so it isn't too bad. If you like strawberry jam then you will love this one.
Holiday Wassail:
Color: Hunter Green
Cold Throw: This one seems to be a complex blend of cider, clove, cinnamon, and a splash of dried fruits. The main notes seem to be the cinnamon and cider. Yet it smells slightly different each time I smell it. I do not smell any of the brandy that is said to be in it however. Never tried the actual drink this is based on before, but I'm curious to try it now. This does smell like a Christmas scent so I approve.
Warm Throw: This one just kind of ended up smelling like cinnamon with a background of dried fruit. It was a very spicy fragrance, but it still fits the Christmas category. I will be keeping this to burn more around December. Perhaps because it is only fall I'm not all that excited by it yet, but I have a feeling I will like it more when the holidays roll around. Still overall I like it and think it is a pleasant scent.
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I approve all the above scents. |
Mulberry Cider:
Color: Dark Purple/Eggplant
Cold Throw: The first thing I get is berries with just a hint of cider underneath. The berries are really the dominant fragrance in this one and it is hard to smell the cider. It really just smells like ripe dark colored berries.
Warm Throw: Stays true to the cold throw. It remains to be a more berry than cider fragrance. It doesn't smell like straight blueberries or strawberries, but more like wild berries and raspberries maybe. The cider underneath just gives it a bit of definition. I have mixed feels on this not because it is a bad scent, but more there is just something about the berries that I'm not sure I care for. I'm not really a berry person unless it is strawberries or blueberries so that is why this one I am kind of in the air on. I don't like it, but I don't not like it either lol. However if you like that dark mixed berry smell than I would totally recomend this.
Pink Cupcake:
Color: Dark Raspberry/Maroon
Cold Throw: Smells Exactly like a vanilla cupcake! Not like the batter, but the final product, moist and fully baked. It is so delicious and perfect on the cold throw. I don't know how Victoria can make it smell just like it's food counterpart. This one is totally legit and smells like it's name sake.
Warm Throw: I think there might be something wrong with my scent shot because once I cut into it, the oils just seeped out of it and I let it cure for over three weeks. So the scent I got on cold throw is kind of drowned out by this really powerful thick oil smell. Not sure what is going on with this one. The cold throw was so amazing that I'm hoping I just have to let it cure some more and then it will smell good again. I'm really just hoping that this is a fluke and not how it is supposed to smell because the cold throw was so good! So I'm going to wait awhile before trying to burn this one again.
Rock That Vanilla:
Color: Dusky White
Cold Throw: This one is a bit hard for me to describe because I have never owned or smelt it's LUSH counterpart Rockstar. To me it doesn't really smell all that much of vanilla. The vanilla is in there, but it's majorly overshadowed by an almost perfume/soap smell. I know that this is supposed to be a dupe of an actual soap fragrance and that is kind of what I get. It smells like a unisex soap. The smell is neither feminine or masculine; it kind of just toes the line in-between. It is such a complex fragrance to have to put into words.
Warm Throw: The throw on this is kind of softer than a lot of the other CBV scents I have. It smells exactly the same as on cold sniff. To me it's not so much vanilla as it is just a clean designer unisex soap. The fragrance is nice, but I'm pretty neutral about it. There is nothing about this scent that I don't like, but it's not one I'm going to go out of my way to buy again. Still it's nice and something different. As I sai'd I can't compare it to it's intended dupe, but alot of others have said that it smells true. So if you like the Lush soap then I imagine you will love this scent.
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How I feel about MC, PC, & RTV |
Color: Hunter Green
Cold Throw: I get a bit of dried orange peels, maybe a tiny pinch of lemon and cinnamon, mixed with some faint spiced undertone. It does feel Christmas-like especially since the citrus notes in this smell vaguely of Pine-sol and cinnamon. It doesn't smell distinctly of straight cleaner though.
Cold Throw: I get a bit of dried orange peels, maybe a tiny pinch of lemon and cinnamon, mixed with some faint spiced undertone. It does feel Christmas-like especially since the citrus notes in this smell vaguely of Pine-sol and cinnamon. It doesn't smell distinctly of straight cleaner though.
Warm Throw: After I cut into this one it became REALLY strong! It smells like Red Hots and Pine-sol. Usually those two scents don't bother me on their own, but somehow the two together and with it being so strong, it made me feel nauseous. I actually had to scoop this from my tart warmer; something I never do unless the scent is all gone. I do not care for this one at all, in fact I'm afraid to open the shot again so this is probably going to be buried in the back of my stash somewhere until I feel brave again. Though I personally don't like this one some of you might. Just beware if you are sensitive to certain smells like I am.
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My face when I smelt Mistletoe |
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Was that the UPS truck?! |
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