Heeyyy sexy ladies...and gentlemen. |
June is finally here and boy has it been a busy summer for CBV. They recently released a plethora of new scents including a new luxury spa fragrance line. Not to mention all the additions they've made with the tart pops, gelato wax, cubed melts, and all the new super cute candle forms to choose from. Melissa has also added I believe three new soap forms, including the new soap shots which are like scent shots only with soap. They certainly have been on a roll lately. Sadly, I had ordered this batch way before those came out so you won't see any of the brand spanking new scents in this review, but I just took advantage of today's sale to get some of the new scents and also two soap shots. In the meantime here is this month's review for you guys...
Just a few bakery scents to sneak in for the summer. |
Apple Cobbler:
Color: Saddle Brown
Cold Throw: I can definitely tell that this is a Macintosh apple. I get the fresh crisp Macintosh apple smell mixed with sweet baking cinnamon. Not that infamous Red Hot cinnamon. I wouldn't really say this is a cobbler fragrance though because so far I smell nothing that suggests any kind of dough, or crust, or crisp for that matter. It is just a really fresh sweet apple cinnamon fragrance. This is a bakery type scent, but it is really light compared to say the heavy fragrances of Spiced Apple Pie or Apple Pie Ala Mode which are thick on the cinnamon. This one is more refreshing and sweeter smelling. That's not to say that the scent throw is weak. It is right in the medium range.
Warm Throw: I was hoping that this one would be my new favorite apple cinnamon bakery scent and so far it is! Now I will say that this really doesn't smell exactly like apple cobbler to me, because the apple in this is a fresh red apple and not a glazed bakery apple scent. And it isn't too heavy on the cinnamon making this one really light and fresh smelling in comparison to other typical apple cinnamon scents. The crust, fried dough, or crisp fragrance continued to be MIA though. It really is just a crisp red apple with sweet baking cinnamon scent. However I still really loved this one. It is great for the summer when you want a bakery type apple scent but don't want to melt anything to foody or heavy smelling. I'm a huge apple lover so that could be why I like this one so much. I would say if you were expecting a true apple cobbler fragrance then try something other than this one, but if you enjoy apple fragrances in general then this one will make a nice addition to your collection. I think I'm going to give Baked Apple Strudel a try next...
Granny's Pie Crust:
Color: Saddle Brown.
Cold Throw: I will be honest and say that I didn't know exactly what to expect with this one. This one seems to be in just about everyone's favorites, but I held off on trying it because I didn't really want just a plain flakey pie crust scent. However I was assured by many people that this fragrance had more to it than just that. Now that I have it in my possession I can say that they were right. I do smell a sweet baked pie crust, but it isn't as yeasty or as doughy smelling as I was thinking it would be. This one is super yummy and it has an almost sugary smell baked into the crust. I like that this one isn't buttery smelling because I'm not fond of butter fragrances. It isn't heavy or thick smelling like I feel some bakery scents can tend to come off as. I can see what all the hype is about now. It is a delicious sweet and sugary baked pie crust that is more than just your one-demensional store bought crust smell.
Warm Throw: I'm so glad I decided to stop resisting against the masses and instead joined them in their love of GPC. It is absolutely devine! As far as bakery scents go this one is more mild in it's fragrance but boy is it something special. This one is a very comforting baked pie crust that is sweet without being too sweet. There is absolutely no hint of Victoria's butter smell which is great for me since I dont particularly care for butter fragrances. This one smells like true baked pie crust without smelling like yeasty bread or a flakey pastry. So delicious! If you haven't tried this one yet then you NEED to NOW! Resistance is futile! Join the GPC groupies!
Hell yeah, two new favorites! |
Chocolate Orange:
Color: Pumpkin Orange
Cold Throw: This smells EXACTLY like those chocolate oranges that you can buy in the candy isle at the store. They are shaped like oranges, but are purely made of dark chocolate with hints of orange flavoring. You have to hit them on something hard to crack them and then they come out in pieces like orange peels. You know what I'm talking about? That's what these smell like. Like pure rich dark chocolate mixed with sweet oranges. I really love that this smells like REAL dark chocolate and not that artificial fake "chocolate" smell that you get a lot in other fragrances. This is so good!
Warm Throw: Unfortunately for me the dark chocolate fragrance that I liked so much turned more into a milk chocolate. Not a bad milk chocolate, I just prefer dark chocolate. So for everybody else that is probably no big deal. I found that the chocolate was a tiny bit more dominant than the orange. The yummy citrus smell was kind of pushed into the background a bit. Still this one was really good and it did continue to smell like a chocolate orange. Much to my relief the chocolate continued to smell like actual chocolate as opposed to it's artificial fragrance counterpart. This was a really mild scent. It was sweet without being too sweet and it was a rather subdued fragrance so it filled the room without being obtrusive. Definitely smells just like it is advertised.
Color: Buttermilk White
Cold Throw: A wild cherry almond has appeared! This was my free scent shot of the order. It smells kind of like an actual biscotti, but the more it cures (it has had about three weeks to cure) the more I smell a cherry almond note. It has this really rich heavy cream fragrance mixed with a crispy cookie note that is similar to the one in Chocolate Chip Cookie, but sadly the faint hint of cherry almond kind of ruins it a bit. It almost smells like a less sweet sugar cookie, but with that notorious cherry almond lurking in the background. I still like it despite the cherry almond note.
Warm Throw: The creamy and crispy cookie notes do come more into play once warmed up and it does tone down the cherry almond fragrance, however the infamous cherry almond smell is still noticeable. If cherry almond doesn't bother you then you wont mind it because it sort of blends in with the creamy and crisp cookie smell, but if you can't stand even the smallest trace of cherry almond I would say you should pass on this one. I personally don't mind the cherry almond notes too much so this one was a nice bakery scent for me.
Me Gusta! |
Floral type frangrances... |
Flower Bomb:
Color: Blush Pink
Cold Throw: One of the newer editions to the CBV fragrance family. This is a dupe of the Viktor & Rolf perfume of the same name. This is a very floral feminine perfume fragrance. There is a mixture of florals so no real distict flower comes to mind. It isn't a thick cloying floral or those old woman type of florals that can be found in a lot of women's perfumes. The florals are kind of on the lighter and slightly sweeter side. There is a tiny undercurrent of feminine musk, but it isn't heavy smelling, just enough to really give the scent some depth really. This is a very pretty perfume fragrance that I think is probably most appealing to 18-35 year olds.
Warm Throw: I love how this one didn't turn into a too heavy floraly or perfumey fragrance when it was melted. It stayed as a nice light and slightly sweet floral perfume. I had never smelt the Viktor & Rolf perfume before this and being an avid floral hater I didn't have very high expectations when I ordered this. However I'm glad I gave it a shot (pun intended) because this is a very pretty soft woman's perfume. I love that it doesn't smell too thick or overwhelming. This is a truly beautiful scent that I can see myself getting in Melissa's bath products if they become available.
Wedding Day:
Color: Pearl White
Cold Throw: I've smelt a few Yankee Candles in my day, but I haven't smelt this particular fragrance so I honestly cannot say whether or not this an exact dupe. What I can tell you is that this is a majorly floral fragrance. After the first sniff of pure florals, I can immediately pick out rose in the middle notes. This smells like a giant boquet of white and pink flowers to me. I can totally see why it is named Wedding Day, because it is like very girly flowers. Now ya'll probably know already that my analogies often go into crazy territory, but for some reason this also brings to mind like a lush women's dressing room at like an expensive boutique. For realz, I smell expensive feminine flowers.
Warm Throw: A little over average scent thrower. It continues to smell like a very feminine type of floral boquet. I asked my mother what she thought it smelt like and she agreed with me that it smells like a women's dressing room in an upscale store. While I am not a big floral lover I thought that this was a nice pretty scent. It didn't give me a headache nor did I find it cloying despite the pure floral fragrance. If you are looking for a scent to make your house smell soft and distinctly feminine then this is the one for you if you don't mind florals..
Flower Bomb & Wedding Day were both so girly & pretty! |
Cantaloupe Lily:
Color: Bright Orange
Cold Throw: I want to like this one so much more than I do. I like cantaloupe fragrances and the few of the floral fragrances that I do like all have lillies in them somewhere so it should stand to reason that I would like this one. Sadly, the strength of the melon and lily is too overwhelming for my nose. I get equal parts of the cantaloupe and the lily, but the combination of these two particular fragrances just doesn't sit right with my nose. This is on the stronger side of scent throws. The lillies are just too strong and cloying for my sensitive nose. If you don't have a problem with stronger or thicker smelling florals then you might just like this one. However I would have preffered the cantaloupe to be the main fragrance with just a slight touch of lily instead of them being even.
Warm Throw: Super strong scent thrower alert! Unfortunately for me however this scent isn't one that I wanted to be a strong thrower. The cantaloupe is really juicy and fresh smelling which I like, but the lilly is way too strong of a floral for me. The combined scents actually ended up smelling like overly ripe fruits to the point where it smelt just a smidge rotten. The two scents continue to be balenced evenly, but this one just wasn't for me. I would use caution in melting this one if you are sensitive to florals. I can see those that aren't bothered by strong florals really liking this one though.
Field Of Dreams:
Color: Dandelion Yellow
Cold Throw: No. That was the first thought that came into my head when I smelt this. I am not much on outdoorsy type of fragrances and this one is chock full of things I don't like. It smells like dried up grass not fresh cut grass, and some other kind of thick green plant that I don't care for...Gardenia maybe? This one lacks any kind of fresh air notes to give your nose a reprieve from the heavy earthy grass smell. It is kind of like pure grass, dirt, and gardenia. I can't even... No. Just plain no in my books. "If you build it they will come..." but I highly doubt that they will stay if you burn this.
Warm Throw: Okay, so this one was MUCH better once it was melted. It ended up smelling like grass to me. Not fresh cut grass or dead grass as it did before, but just normal grass. I can see why it is named after a baseball movie, because this one instantly reminded me of when I used to play softball and how after a really hard practice I would just pass out and lie in the grass for ten minutes. It smells like healthy growing normal grass on a sunny day. The scent throw was much milder and more subtle than it was cold. When it was in the container it was like being punched in the nose by the strength of the scent, but luckily once warmed that was not the case. So despite my initial hatred of this scent, I actually don't think it is too bad. I can see how a lot of other people might enjoy this one, especially those who have men around who hate girly smelling things. Not a repurchase for me, but if you like nature smelling scents that aren't too powerful then this one should be on your list.
Probably the closest thing to my actual face when I smelt the last 2. |
Drink type fragrances... |
Raspberry White Mocha Latte:
Color: Dark Raspberry
Cold Throw: This is one of the sweeter coffee scents that I have tried. The sweet raspberry which is very similar to Victoria's Raspberry Guava is the dominant fragrance. However there is a creamier base which I am guessing is the combination of the chocolate and the vanilla from the Frenchville Coffee. The actual coffee fragrance is blended in really well with the rest of the scents to where it becomes a part of each of the indiviual fragrances. If you want more than just your typical coffee fragrances then check this little guy out.
Warm Throw: This was a bit more sweet raspberry than it was coffee, but it was still a wonderful fragrance. The raspberry mixed with the vanilla to become even richer and creamier. Then there was a faint background of coffee that added depth to the scent and kept it from being too sweet. The scent throw was pretty average, but the scent itself was really great. I would say that if you aren't much of a fan of the strong coffee scents then this one would be up your alley because it is really sweet with just a touch of coffee.
Cherry Fizzy Pop:
Color: Black Cherry Red
Cold Throw: This smells straight up like Cherry 7-Up. It is a strong artificial cherry soda smell. You do get the wonderful carbonation from the Fizzy Pop, but the sweet cherry syrup (Not at all medicinal) is the main fragrance. It also kind of reminds me of the Twist N Peel Cherry Twizzlers too, only with added bubbles. It is a sweet and simple fragrance.
Warm Throw: Super strong scent thrower! I hadn't even lit this one and just put a fourth of it in my tart warmer and I could already sort of smell it from a few feet away. Of course once I melted it, it filled the entire room and lingered. It remains true to it's scent on cold throw. It's a strong artificial sweet cherry with a hint of carbonation underneath. The cherry syrup (Again nothing like cough syrup) is really the main scent, but you can still smell the fizzy in the undercurrents.
These two had really great scent twists. |
Orange Cream Soda:
Color: Pumpkin Orange
Cold Throw: First things first: this does not smell anything like real orange cream soda. I have let this one cure for over a month and a half now and so far what it smells like is a very thick orange with a slightly I want to say musky undertone. Though musky isn't the right word for it, but I can't think of anything else better to describe it. The orange in this one isn't one that is refreshing or very citrusy. I'm guessing Fizzy Pop is in this but I don't smell any carbonation or get any tingly bubbles. It is a little disappointing to be honest. It doesn't smell like how I expected...not even in the ball park really.
Warm Throw: I was really hoping that some carbonation or fizzy fragrance would magically appear once warmed, sadly that did not happen in this case. The musky orange continued to be the main fragrance however the weirdest thing happened and I swear my mother and I both smelt maple syrup in the base notes. It was so odd. While I was sitting in the room when it was melting I mainly smelt the musky orange and that was it, but then when I went outside to get something and came back into the living room the first thing I smelt was maple syrup. My mother then came downstairs and asked what I was burning. I told her Orange Cream Soda and she said, "Huh. It smells like syrup to me." I don't know if I got a dud and like maybe an accident happened to where some syrupy scent got mixed in with my shot or what. All I know is that this one was a medium scent thrower and I did not care for the musky orange/maple syrup fragrance.
Orange Cream Soda was a definite no. |
Miscellaneous scents... |
Pink Bubblegum Crush:
Color: Blush Pink
Cold Throw: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is supposed to be a dupe of Candy Fluff from that company that shall not be named. This is a really sweet artificial bubblegum syrup frangrance. It really does smell like the blue bubblegum syrup that they pour over snowcones. The bubblegum in this fragrance does not smell like Victoria's Bubblegum which smells like Bazooka Joe. This bubblegum is just more like a syrup artifically flavored to smell like bubblegum. This one is really nice to those of you who like sugary sweet candy like fragrances.
Warm Throw: This smells like a sticky sweet artificially flavored syrup. I didn't find it sickeningly sweet, but it is more on the candy like sweet side of things. Kayla Kristine over on The Poring Pot once described this to me as smelling like a Pixie Stick and I have to agree. While I am the first to say I do not particularly care for "dry powdery" notes in most of CBV's fragrances, I do like it in this one because it is very faint. The dry note smells more like candy powder kind of like a Pixie Stick or those Fun Dips. The scent throw was a little bit over average.
Color: Tomato Red
Cold Throw: This is an oceany type of fragrance. I smell like a crisp ozone-y sea air smell, with an undercurrent of some fresh green smelling plant. It does have the slightest touch of sweetness in there, but not enough to where I can discern what fruit it comes from.This reads more like a clean air freshener type of fragrance to be honest. I consider this scent more for bathrooms than I would a living room or bedroom. It is still nice though.
Warm Throw: This one came out more perfumey smelling once it was warmed up. Despite being a pretty strong scent thrower, the perfume notes weren't heavy or cloying. It remained a crisp almost oceany sweet smell. I actually like this one more when it's warmed up because it is kind of an all in one fragrance. It has notes of fresh ocean air, the faintest whiff of mild greenery, some soft sweetness, and of course a slight undertone of a clean smelling woman's perfume. I melted this one on a nice breezy sunny afternoon while I had my windows opened halfway and it made for the perfect melting atmosphere. I recieved a lot of compliments on how fresh and good my house smelt.
I really enjoyed the two truly unique scents above. |
Fruit Salad:
Color: Pumpkin Orange
Cold Throw: Does indeed smell like a fruit salad only I would say it is a little heavy on the fruits. I really can't pick out individual fruit notes, because they all meld and blend into a strong fruity smell. I do smell something similar, but not quite like Marshmallow Ambrosia in the basenotes. I'm guessing it is supposed to be the whipped cream, but it doesn't really smell much like real whipped cream or even just plain cream for that matter. It does have this almost airy sweetness to it though.
Warm Throw: It is definitely Marshmallow Ambrosia that I smell in the background. It becomes a bit more pronounced when melted, but the mixed fruit smell is still the main fragrance. I would say I got a tiny bit more of an orange scent out of this one as opposed to all the other blended fruity smells, but this one still comes off as a fruit medley with a hint of marshamallow ambrosia. The scent throw ranged in the meduim average to me. This one wasn't bad, but I prefer Exotic over this one just because the mixed fruity notes aren't so thick or heavy and it doesn't have the ambrosia in it.
It was nice...bu Exotic is better. |
Customer Creations... |
Go-Go Juice:
Color: Dark Maroon
Cold Throw: There is a lot of love going on for this particular creation right now and I can see why. This is a combination of Mango Sorbett and Strawberry Margarita. The Strawberry Margarita is the dominant scent for me, but I still can smell the Mango Sorbett in the base notes. This is a super juicy smelling fragrance. You get cool strawberries mixed with a faint sweet mango. This one just screams summertime to me. It smells like a fruity mixed drink that you would sip by the pool.
Warm Throw: This continued to be a sweet juicy strawberry scent with an undertone of mango. This is a sweet fruity scent that has a marginal bit over average scent throw. This one reminds me of a girlie fruity umbrella drink. It is great for those hot summer days when you want something sweet and fruity, but want to keep things simple. A must have for the summer!
Barefoot In Blue Jeans:
Color: Navy Blue
Cold Throw: This is an incredibly unique mixture of Sexy In Stilettoes and Blue Sugar Cotton Candy. You can immediately smell the cotton candy, but it is anchored down with a soft feminine perfume type of fragrance. This one is sweet without going into sickenigly sweet territory. I was worried this was going to be too strong or thick smelling for me considering it is two perfume fragrances mixed together, but my fears were completely unfounded. Despite the odd mixture they blend amazingly well together and it isnt't too powerful or perfumey smelling. I like that this is feminine without being too frilly smelling. This may be ridiculous, but this to me is something a tomboy would wear and smell great. (My analogies I know...) What I mean by that is it is feminine without being too sweet, or fruity, or flowery. I have to give it to Deb, she sure does know how to mix em and name em!
Warm Throw: I continued to really like this one because it stayed pretty much the same once warmed up. The only downside was that the scent throw was a little on the weaker side. I might have to put in half a shot when melting this one next time. It still smells to me like a pretty perfume that a tomboy would wear, just because it is perfumey without being too girly or frilly smelling. It is kind of a less in your face type of women's perfume. I really liked this one and am thinking about maybe ordering some of Melissa's bath products in this scent. I can see why there is so much love for this one. Definitely reccomend!
Ai Tori:
Color: Crayola's Razzmatazz
Cold Throw: For those of you who may be confused by the strange sounding name let me explain how clever it actually is. Ai means Love in Japanese and Tori means Bird. So Ai Tori together means Love Bird in Japanese. The mixture of this scent is Love Birds and Tokyo Spring. You can see now why it's named in Japanese and what it means. Now that we've cleared that up let me tell you about the scent. I get equal parts of the Love Birds and Tokyo Springs. You get that fruity almost creamy quality that Love Birds has, but you also get that sweeter melony floral that comes in Tokyo Springs. The final result ends up smelling like a florally and fruity feminine perfume. The scent throw cold is decently strong too.
Warm Throw: I smell more of Tokyo Springs in this one then I do Love Birds. It is very much a floral smelling woman's perfume type of fragrance. It definitely still retains some of the Love Birds, but I would say this is more like Tokyo Springs 2.0. I get the thick melon sweet florals from Tokyo Springs mixed with an almost creamy undertone. This one is super girly smelling and has an above average scent throw. I would say if you didn't care for Tokyo Springs, then more than likely you won't care for this either. However if you liked Tokyo Springs you will probably really like this one.
All the Customer Creations smelt awesome! |
That's it for this month's review. I hope some of you found it helpful if not at least a little amusing. I was thinking of maybe making a giant collection of all the scent reviews I've already done and compiling them together in alphabetical order and category order just like how they are listed on the drop down menu on the site. That way if you guys were looking for a certain scent you could just go down to that page here and find my review on it. I know I rely heavily on the CBV Browser but sadly it is out of date and some scents have no reviews at all. Since I am currently on a quest to try every single CBV fragrance I thought it would be a good idea to maybe chronicle all my discoveries here on this blog. Like maybe making a collective scent database of my own personal findings only doing it in a way that is easy for you guys to look up certain scents as well. What do you think? Would you be interested in something like that? Just let me know what you think guys. It is still in the thought process for now. Anyways enjoy your summer guys and I will see you next month!