Pretty much what my day will be consisting of. |
Welcome back internet! Today I have been busy getting chores done before the holidays roll around. I've been doing laundry and running errands all day and I still have to dust and sweep everything. Good news though is that I've got all of my Christmas shopping done and wrapped. The only thing I have left to do is to bake some Christmas cookies as is my tradition every year. Despite being busy this morning I still had time to do my nails for this week's nail polish challenge. The theme for this week was polkadots!
Polkadot nails! |
So polkadots are a little boring for this time of year (I really wanted to make snowflakes lol) so instead I found a compromise and just paited my nails a light blue and added white polkadots in hopes of a falling snow effect. Didn't really come out as well as I had pictured in my head, but whatever I'm still happy with it. The pale blue base coat I used was Zoya's Jo which is a super pretty micro-shimmery pale sky blue. It is kind of sheer though two coats would be enough I added three. And then I just used a dollar store cheap white nail striper to create the dots. Well that's all for this week, I've got to get ready to take my mother to her doctor's appointment. Hope you all have a wonderful week!
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