Hide the candy it is almost Halloween! |
Hello again all my lovely fragrance fanatics! My favorite month of the entire year has finally arrived! Needless to say I am already busy picking out what scary movies I will watch and where exactly to put all of my spooky decorations. So this month I did pick out a few fragrances that names seemed to fit in with Halloween. However I will say the usual like Monster Mash or Witch's Brew will not be in this review because I have already reviewed those, but you can bet I will be melting them all this month. Well without further ado here is this month's scent reviews...
This month's bakery scents... |
Color: Saddle Brown
Cold Throw: This smells pretty much EXACTLY like how the description on the site makes it sound. It smells like a waffle, but at the same time you can smell the vanilla and sugar. This is a wonderful addition to the bakery category. It is very different from a lot of Victoria's other bakery scents because with this one it has the light fluffiness from the waffles, but you also smell all of the ingrediants that would go into the batter like the sweetness from the sugar and the slight creaminess from the vanilla with a tiny touch of butter. If you are not a fan of butter don't be scared to try this one. I do not like buttery scents, but I am loving this one so far.
Warm Throw: Oh sweet Jesus this smells FANTASTIC! This is just a really great sweet bakery scent. Kind of like an amped up Granny's Pie Crust. It smells like sweet batter like how you make waffles with the vanilla extract and eggs and sugar and stuff. If you have ever made waffle batter with some vanilla and a teensy bit of amarretto this is kind of what that smells like. It is a light almost fluffy sweet bakery fragrance with an amazing scent throw. I love this one and think it would suit a lot of people's tastes. New favorite!
Key Lime Pie:
Color: Moss Green
Cold Throw: Accurate name is accurate lol. It does indeed smell like an authentic key lime pie. You get that sweet yet slightly tart creamy lime filling as with a hint of the flakey crust at the bottom. The main fragrance is by far the delicious lime filling, but there is indeed a faint crust note hiding underneath all of that which I find surprising because most of the pie scents like Banana Coconut Cream Pie all are just the filling without any of the crust at all. This is the closest thing I have ever smelt that smells like the real thing. If you love Key Lime Pie or just the smell of it then you need this one ASAP.
Warm Throw: I found that the crust note completely disappeared once warmed up. The key lime pie filling is what makes up the entirety of the scent and it does indeed smell incredibly authentic. It is sweet with a little tartness from the limes and it smells like actual whipped filling. The scent throw on this one was a little above average. This one is a must have if you like lime or just pie filling fragrances.
Banana Walnut:
Color: Dandelion Yellow
Cold Throw: If you were wanting a sweet yet salty fragrance this isn't it. This is just pure Laffy Taffy banana. I don't get any walnut or any nutty scent at all with this one. This is just a very sweet candy banana fragrance. I have not had plain Banana yet so I cannot say if it smells the exact same as just plain Banana or not, but to me this is just a Laffy Taffy banana scent.
Warm Throw: Stays the same as on cold throw. Just a sweet Laffy Taffy banana without any real salty or nutty walnut fragrance at all. The scent throw on this one is pretty average, but I have noticed with certain banana scents that the scent does not last as long as most. I melted my usual 1/4 of a shot in my warmer and usually depending on the scent it will last about 4 hours roughly, but this one maybe lasted only 2. I think the candy banana scents unless mixed with something else will dissapate rather quicker than others. But other than the fading scent I still liked this one. It was just simple banana Laffy Taffy.
Blueberry Flapjacks:
Color: Blueberry Blue
Cold Throw: I was pursuaded by Katie over on the Pouring Pot to give this one a try because it is her favorite fragrance. So naturally hearing her rave about it made me instantly have to buy it. I'm glad I did because I can see why she likes it so much. This is a very sweet candied blueberry fragrance with a very little hint of maple in the bottom notes. Do not fear maple haters as some of you know I despise maple scents as well, but the maple in this is very faint and blends with the blueberries. When I read that this is Blueberry Cheesecake mixed with Maple Butter Crunch I was skeptical at how it could smell like blueberry flapjacks, but that is indeed what this smells like. The Blueberry Cheesecake is by far the dominant fragrance but the Maple Butter Crunch hangs in the background to give it an extra oomph. Smells like blueberry pancakes. I approve!
Warm Throw: Pretty much smells the same warmed up as it does on cold only the hint of maple comes out a touch more. As I've said numerous times before I am not a maple fan, but I don't mind the maple in this. It just add a touch of syrupy sweetness without being too sweet or thick. You really get the Blueberry Cheesecake and then just a small amount of maple. All in all it does kind of smell like Blueberry Flapjacks only without that fluffy flour pancake smell. The scent throw on this one was pretty moderate. This was a surprise like for me and I'm glad Katie shared her love with us on the boards otherwise I probably wouldn't have tried this one.
Nutty Candied Apple:
Color: Dark Maroon
Cold Throw: Amazingly Victoria does it again in making a complete exact duplication of a food fragrance. You get the fresh Macintosh apple with the tiniest hint of caramel all coated in salty peanuts. If you love salty sweet fragrances then this one is right up your alley. While I am not a fan of nutty scents at all I actually am kind of digging this one. The apples and the nuts are equally balanced and the teensy bit of caramel just kind of hangs on the edges. In short it smells like how it is supposed to.
Warm Throw: Smells legit to me. It smells just like red apples dipped in sweet caramel and covered with chopped nuts. It is a bit sweeter than Caramel Apple but it does still have that equal saltiness from the nuts. The scent throw was pretty decent and right about average to middle line. This is good if you like apples and nutty scents. While I personally adore apple scents I'm not a fan of salty scents but this one doesn't bother me like most of the other nut scents do. I'm definitely keeping this one and will use up all of it but I don't think it is something I will go out of my way to purchase again.
I liked all of the bakery scents! |
Some fall appropriate fragrances |
Leaves Type:
Color: Goldenrod
Cold Throw: Mmmm this is second place to Under The Harvest Moon for perfect autumn scents in my book. I love the mixture of sweet dried apple peels with a nice light spices which I identify as clove with a little allspice and the tiniest trace of sweet baking cinnamon (not the Red Hot kind). The spices are all very soft and not sharp or stringent at all. I like how the apple is sweet and balances out the light spices. I feel like a lot of fall scents have apples but they are paired up with really strong and somewhat harsh spices, but this one isn't like that. It is sweet without being too spicey. Love it!
Warm Throw: I will just say that I am in love with this scent and think it is perfect for fall and for those who love that mixture of sweet apple peels and light cider with the slightly earthy smell of dried leaves. Despite what the description says you can't smell any maple in this one at all. It has a pretty good scent throw without being overpowering. The spices really aren't all that strong and are on the more sweeter side then that sharp cinnamon stick Red Hot kind. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up from me on this one!
Berry Me Alive:
Color: Dark Raspberry
Cold Throw: Ali over on the Pouring Pot described this in one of her videos as a berry candy and I completely agree with her 100% on that. This smells like a sweet berry type of candy like maybe Sprees or Razzles. I smell mainly candy raspberry and candy cherry mixed together. I am not the biggest berry fan, but I really like this one because it is more a candy scent than a fruity fragrance. This is a Halloween scent in my book not because of the name...okay well partly because of the name...but mainly because it smells like sweet berry candy.
Warm Throw: Continues to smell just like raspberry/cherry candies. I wouldn't exactly say hard candies but more of the softer variety of candies. The cherry doesn't overpower the raspberry, rather they mix together really well. What I like about it is that the cherry isn't medicinal at all. The scent throw on this one was pretty average. Very nice and I like this one for Halloween because of the candy factor and the name.
Night At The Movies:
Color: Chestnut Brown
Cold Throw: What better to do in October than to go see a scary movie at the movie theaters? It was that thought in mind that made me want to try this customer creation despite the fact that I am not a fan of buttery scents or popcorn like scents for that matter. Still inspite of that I got this one which is a mixture of Buttered Popcorn and Fudge Brownie. I will also admit I got this one just because that sounds like a crazy combination. What I get when I smell this one is the Fudge Brownie right away, but it is mixed with an almost dare I say perfumey? type of note. It is so strange because I get the slightly salty and buttery popcorn in the bottom notes and the chocolatey Fudge Brownie in the top notes but somewhere sititng in the middle of the two is this odd perfume like fragrance. I have let this one cure for over two months so I believe that is just how it smells. The perfumey note isn't bad, but it is so not what I was expecting. I am not sure how I feel about this one. It doesn't smell bad to me, but I'm not sure if I like it or not.
Warm Throw: I have to say I smelt the Buttered Popcorn a bit more than the Fudge Brownie although the two scents did blend well and didn't compete with each other. You get the slight popcorn note along with a drizzle of butter, but then you also smell the chocolate from the Fudge Brownie right there in the currents with it. I still get a hint of a perfume like note, but that could probably just be me and my nose trying to figure the scent combination out. The scent throw was moderately strong. While it isn't my favorite scent combination I can see others really liking this one. I love Fudge Brownie but I'm just not a big fan of popcorn or buttery scents in general so this one was just okay in my books. If you like slightly salty and sweet combination like Under The Big Top then you will probably like this one as well.
Citrus Spice:
Color: Burnt Orange
Cold Throw: I have to say I was really expecting to love this one because it has so many fragrances in it that I adore such as orange, clove, and cinnamon with a hint of lemon. Sounded like an automatic winner to me. Sadly that is not the case. While this scent isn't bad by any means I just don't like the blend. The orange isn't a bright citrusy orange but rather more along the lines of maybe a blood orange? I don't know I just know it doesn't do it for me and it is the same orange that comes in Orange Cream Soda. The lemon is a little too reminiscent of the kind found in Pine-Sol though it doesn't smell like Pine-Sol. It is kind of a thicker lemon but it kind of gets lost in the musky orange. The clove is overshadowed by the strength of the red hot cinnamon though I will say the cinnamon and orange fragrances are equally balanced. To me this is just to musky.
Warm Throw: Based on cold through I obviously was expecting to really not like this one, however magic happened once warmed and it actually wasn't bad. The orange lightens up so it just smells like a fall orange instead of a musky one and the spices come out more but are also subdued enough to where you can smell the orange without getting a nose full of cinnamon stick. Lemon Pine-Sol note I got on cold throw disappears completely. The scent throw is pretty average and lasts a decent amount of time. Overall while this wasn't my favorite fall scent I actually didn't end up minding it too much once I melted it. So if you like that fall citrus orange scent and don't mind a little Red Hot cinnamon then you may very well like this one. Never smelt the fragrance it is duping so I can't say if it is a close dupe or not but I'm betting it is.
They all weren't bad, weren't bad at all. |
Houseblend for October |
Dark Angel:
Color: Grape
Cold Throw: I have hesitated for a year to buy this one because the blend just sounded so strange. This one is peppermint, spearmint, patchouli, and vanilla. I am a huge mint lover and I really enjoy most vanilla fragrances but I DESPISE patchouli. I say patchouli like Timmy's dad on The Fairly Odd Parents says Dinkelberg. Don't know what I mean? Youtube it. But seriously though patchouli is just one scent that instantly makes me hate anything. However fortunately for me there is no patchouli to be found on cold throw so far. What I get is a lovely mixture of mint smells, but they aren't sharp or too powerful because the vanilla tones them way down and makes them just sweet and lovely. I'm guessing that the patchouli *narrows eyes angrily whenever I type that* is what gives this scent a bit of depth so it doesn't smell like Sweet Snow. If you are a mint lover I would recommend you give it a try. It is kind of like a sexier minty fragrance.
Warm Throw: Luckily for me the patchouli remained MIA in this scent. I couldn't smell it at all so I ended up really really liking this one. It is certainly minty the spearmint and the peppermint keeps the other one from being too sweet or too sharp so the mint is kind of a nice balance of both. The vanilla adds this sweetness which actually makes the scent smell kind of feminine and sexy I'm guessing because it tempers down the patchouli so much to where it just adds depth and doesn't actually smell like patchouli anymore. The scent throw on this one is medium to medium strong. Not anything that is going to clear your sinuses but noticeable enough. If you aren't a mint fan or prefer mint only as a side note though this one won't be for you but if you don't mind a sweet mint and want something a little less Christmas like then this is the one for you. I really am loving this one it is such a unique twist on mint, but granted I am a big time mint lover.
I love it! |
Color: Dark Teal
Cold Throw: Just like with the movies, Edward Cuillen is what most people pay attention to rather than Bella Swan. While I can smell some of the lovely florals that make up Bella Swan I get more of the "sunshine" and lilac that is found in EC. I feel like this is one of those scents that lots of people will either love because of the all the florals or hate because of it. Right now on cold throw I don't mind this one, but I am hesitant to melt it because I get headaches from strong florals which this definetely is. Not exactly sure I am going to like this one once it's scent spreads.
Warm Throw: So this one kind of stayed the same being that Edward Cullen was the star of the show while Bella Swan supported from the background. This one is a decently strong florally blend with a strong scent throw. I have to be honest and say I didn't really care too much for this one. It wasn't bad, it didn't give me a headache or anything like that it was just a bit too much on the florals for me, but I am not a big floral lover. Floral lovers may really like this one because all of the florals sort of blend into one new fragrance. Like I said though the lilac and "sunshine" from Edward Cullen stands out a bit more than the sweet florals in Bella Swan. This is just one you will all have to get and decide for yourself whether or not you like it because I can see people leaning either way. But a good rule of thumb is if you don't like the fragrance Edward Cullen you more than likely won't like this one either.
Under The Big Top:
Color: Dark Maroon
Cold Throw: Honestly you would think since I am not a fan of salty scents that I would stop ordering things with nuts in them, but alas I am a secret scent masochist. Luckily for me the Caramelized Pralines in this is pretty faint. I get more of the strawberry (which is the Fresh Picked Strawberries) in this mixed with Cotton Candy. The Caramelized Pralines just keeps this scent from being too sweet. While I like both Cotton Candy and Fresh Picked Strawberries on their own I don't think I like them mixed together. I don't know what it is exactly but my nose just does not like it.
Warm Throw: Needless to say I don't think I will be liking this one or Ringmaster but it was worth giving it a try. It smells the same on cold as it does warm so there is that super sweet sugary blend of Cotton Candy and Fresh Picked Strawberries which wouldn't be so bad, but then there is that edge from the Caramelized Pralines which I personally just do not care for at all. The pralines do keep it from being overly sweet though. The scent throw on this one was decently average. While I do not like this one at all and intend to immediately swap it once the round robin comes my way I can certainly see a lot of others liking this one. I just can't do salty or nutty scents even ones like this one which isn't actually all that salty or nutty but still has that sharp edge around all the sweetness.
My personal feelings on Caramelized Pralines. |
And some extras for the month. |
Spa La La:
Color: Pacific Blue
Cold Throw: What a wonderful blend! I really am liking this one cold. The first thing I get is the melon and the sage blossom. When I sniff deeper I get some of the kiwi but it is mixed very well with the rest of the fragrances I get. This one is a very light (airy wise not scent throw wise) semi-sweet, but refreshingly clean type of fragrance. Other than Satsuma I think if this smells as good warm as it does cold that this will be my favorite of the Spa/Luxury line.
Warm Throw: I have to say I liked this a bit better on cold, only because it was a smidge stronger. Once melting this one continues to smell like how it does in the container; only because the scent throw is a little on the weaker side it makes the scent a little bit more subdued. All of the fragrances mixed and blended flawlessly together so it made a new fragrance completely. Because of the slightly weaker throw though the beauty of the scent was a little toned down from what it could be. If you are like me and only melt a 1/4 of a shot at a time then I suggest maybe changing to a 1/2 of shot for this one.
Not too shabby. |
Heavy Metal:
Color: Grape Purple
Cold Throw: This is a dupe for I Am A Rockstar from that company that we aren't supposed to talk about. If you have had any of their products or have smelled a few other scents from Candleman's Closet then you will know that they kind of have a signature scent that somehow finds it's way into most of their fragrances. This is no exception. This one is very sweet almost like old fashioned candy that didn't really have specific flavors but at the same time I also find this to be kind of a unisex scent. Like I can imagine some boys using this as soap (which I am sure some have considering). It is very different and unlike anything really I have smelt in wax before. If you are not a fan of sweet fragrances though pass this one up because it could give you a toothache. This is kind of like the plain version of Pink Bubblegum Crush.
Warm Throw: This one is still pretty much like a plain ribbon candy fragrance. It was sweet but so different. It is almost like liquid sugar mixed with the signature scent of that company that shall not be named. The scent throw on this one is decently average. If you like sweet scents you may like this one, but only if you don't mind that notorious scent note that is undoubtably that signature fragrance from the company that this scent is duping. I personally still feel like this is a sweet almost unisex fragrance. It is definitely a different fragrance than most. I didn't mind it myself, but I don't think I will be going out of my way to buy it again.
Color: Pale Pink
Cold Throw: This is one from the Top Shelf Black Label Line and the description is just as complex as the actual scent is. I heard that this one is much milder in candle form than in shot form, but of course I bought it in shot form so it is pretty strong. This one is mainly made up of like high end feminine florals. They are strong but not too overwhelming for a floral disliker like me. There is also something kind of perfumey and spa like just like the description says. I know that is frustratingly vague but that is what it smells like. It is so hard to describe. I would say if you don't like florals that much then hard pass on this one. However if you don't mind a little bit of floral then give it a shot. This may be weird but I feel compelled to mention that this scent reminds me of the ladies bathroom in a small club we have here in my hometown. They call it the powder room though and it smells incredibly girly and flowery just like this one.
Warm Throw: I stand by my initial description. It smells like upscale feminine florals, not as soft as the ones found in Wedding Day, but still very girly. The florals are strong though so this one is a super scent thrower. It kind of feels a little spa like only not as relaxing or as tempered down as most spa scents are so kind of like what a high end boutique might smell like in my opinion. Definitely not one for those sensitive to strong florals. I'm not a big floral fan so to me this won't be a repurchase but I can see a lot of people really liking this one. I think it would be better in Bath & Body though.
Super strong florals? My only weakness!! |
That's all for this month's review. I plan on having a mini review sometime later this month maybe towards the 21st reviewing three of the newer Halloween scents; Sleepy Hollow, Cider Web, and I Put A Smell On You so please look forward to that. I hope you all enjoy your October and for those who plan to party it up or take your kids trick or treating stay safe and have a wonderful time! Hopefully the CBV new website will be up and running by the end of this month but until then you can spend time enjoying the current one before it is gone forever. I hope this review helped some of you and I will see you next month guys!
Bye guys until next time! |