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OMG!! New CBV scents!! |
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This month's bakery scents. |
Color: Pearl White
Cold Throw: Ah, this is a tricky one to describe on cold throw. When I first got this it smelled just like Play Dough. Needless to say I hated it on first whiff so I put it away to cure for a month. Now the Play Dough scent has faded and I'm starting to smell a generic vanilla fragrance with maybe a little bit of marshmallow and the tiniest hint of the whole grain cereal in there. Mainly it is just that run of the mill weak vanilla fragrance, but I have been told this is a "transformer" and so I will have to judge it's real scent once I melt it.
Warm Throw: Smells like legit Rice Crispy Treats once warmed. The vanilla mixes with a slight marshmallow that goes hand in hand with the whole grain cereal scent that does come out a lot more. I didn't get any Play Dough smell once it was warmed. This one lives up to it's name. Unfortunately though the scent throw on this one is weak and the fragrance doesn't linger which is such a shame because it is a nice light sweet scent. I might try a mini jelly jar of this one to see if the throw is better in candle form than shot form. This one is good so let it cure for a while and don't let the Play Dough smell on cold throw scare you off. You also might want to try putting in half a shot if you are using scent shots.
Strawberry White Cake:
Color: Dark Maroon
Cold Throw: At first this smelt just like Pilsbury's strawberry icing, but now that it has had plenty of time to cure it does smell more like a strawberry white cake. However it also reminds me of a strawberry filling that goes in pastries like Toaster Strudels or something along those lines. This one is mainly a very sweet strawberry filling with a touch of bakery notes in the undercurrents. The bakery notes smell more like a faint flakey pastry than cake to me.
Warm Throw: This one continued to smell like sweet strawberry pastry filling to me, but the bakery note comes out just a teensy bit more. I'm guessing that was the cake, but it is hard to say because it didn't really make the scent smell all that different from before all it really did was a add a bit of scent depth. The scent throw was about average, nothing special, but it wasn't weak. This one would be really good for those of you who love really sweet artificial strawberry scents, like strawberry Toaster Strudel or the strawberry jelly that fills donuts. I don't mind those type of scents, but this one wasn't a favorite. It was nice and I will burn it, but I won't go out of my way to get it again.
Strawberry Banana Custard:
Color: Dark Raspberry
Cold Throw: Okay, this smells EXACTLY like strawberry banana Jell-O. Not even kidding, this smells like the Jell-O packet after you have mixed in the water before you put it in the fridge. It is really sugary sweet and artificial strawberry banana smelling. It isn't a juicy fruity fragrance, more like a really sweet strawberry banana syrup smell. I don't know what real strawberry banana custard smells like, but this is dead on strawberry banana Jell-O.
Warm Throw: The scent continues to smell identical to strawberry banana Jell-O. I did notice though that the scent throw on this once it was warmed up was kind of weak and it didn't last very long sadly. This is just a really sweet artificial strawberry banana syrup smell. I didn't get any creamy custard like smell at all. I still liked this one, but because of the weak throw I don't think I will go out of my way to get it again.
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All these were not bad, but not favorite worthy for me. |
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This month's fruity scents. |
Color: Pumpkin Orange
Cold Throw: This is a straight up sweet natural peach fragrance. It doesn't have that artificial peach candy scent that some peach scents tend to have. This is pure genuine sweet peach; like straight off the tree peaches. It is a very simple scent, but one that is great because of that. I really like this one a lot. It's very natural and sweet without being too sweet. Very real smelling.
Warm Throw: The scent throw on this one is medium average, maybe a little under that. It remains the same classic authentic peach scent that I got on cold throw. This is the genuine article when it comes to peach scents. This smells so fresh, juicy, and real. I absolutely love it! It isn't too heavy or sickeningly sweet. Perfect for true peach lovers!
Watermelon Lemon Lime Cranberry Fizz:
Color: Berry Pink
Cold Throw: The description on the website for this scent is actually pretty dead on. This is a really refreshing fruity scent. The sweetness of the watermelon keeps the lemon/lime/cranberry mixture from being too tart. This is one of those scents where it isn't too sweet or too tart, but a happy medium of the two. I'd say the watermelon is the main fragrance, but you can still pick out the lemon lime notes on the edges and there is even a faint whiff of the cranberry. The fizz isn't really evident on cold throw, but there is a lightness to the scent that gives the impression that it will come out once warmed. This one is very nice!
Warm Throw: Stays true to cold throw. This is a really great fruity scent without being too strong or too sweet. The watermelon and lemon lime cranberry really mix well together. It has a decently strong scent throw however the overall fragrance is a light and fun scent so it's not overwhelming. My only complaint is that I wanted a bit more of the fizz to come through and give me the carbonated bubbly smell that is in Fizzy Pop, but this one didn't have that. It has an effervescent lightness to it, but no distinct tingly bubble smell. Still I really really like this scent. It is a great addition to the fruity line and I will recommend it foreveryone to give it a try.
Raspberry Rainbow:
Color: Dark Raspberry
Cold Throw: This reminds me of like a raspberry bubblegum that you get when you are a kid. The raspberries and strawberries are the main fragrance and they have this kind of fruity candy like/gum quality. I don't smell any citrus or bananas in this at all. It is a very artificial fruity sweet fragrance. If you don't like candy like fragrances then I would say pass on this one. I however don't mind candy scents so this one smells really good and familiar to me.
Warm Throw: Continues to smell just like it does on cold throw so if you don't like the cold throw after letting it cure then you probably wont like it warm. This one smells like raspberry bubblegum. It is such a sweet candy scent. It is along the artificial fruity fragrance side rather than straight fruits. I really liked this one it smelt like the different flavored raspberry Hubba Bubba gum I used to get when I was younger. The scent throw on this one was in the medium range.
Summer Peach Passion:
Color: Burnt Orange
Cold Throw: I have let this cure for quite a while now and it still smells like peaches mixed with a slight musky plastic smell. I'm not sure if it is the wax or the container that is making it smell like that. I'm going to go ahead and burn it to see if the scent changes once warmed up or if I need to put it away to cure some more. But so far on cold throw all I get is peaches and plastic.
Warm Throw:This one was MUCH better once I warmed it up. The plastic smell went away instantly which leads me to believe that it was probably just the container making it smell that way. This one smells like Georgia Peach, with maybe a slight undertone of amber and something else. It really is a unique Peach scent. It is juicy peaches with a deeper undertone. I like this one a lot more than I thought I would. The scent throw on this one is decently average.
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Should you get the above scents? Yes. Yes you should. |
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From the new luxury spa line. |
Color: Sunshine Yellow
Cold Throw: For sure a citrusy fragrance, however it isn't like straight up oranges, lemons, or even grapefruit. This one is in a category all it's own. It is kind of like a light semi-sweet citrusy flower. I get a hint of the mandarin peels, but no bergamot or any hint of spice. So if you were going by the description on the website...don't. Like I said before this is just an airy, light citrusy flower type of scent only it isn't exactly florally smelling. It is really hard to capture this scent in words.
Warm Throw: For sure this one is a unique light citrusy flower type of scent. It isn't a strong floral in fact it is barely a floral at all. The only reason I describe it as such is because it is such a light subdued citrus that it reminds me of how like honeysuckles give off a light sweetness and this one is kind of like that only with citrus. I still get the mandarin peels and there is still no bergamot or spice. The scent throw on this one is about average. This one is a really light, airy citrus scent that is great for those of you who can't handle heavy citrus scents. I thought this one was really nice for sunny days in the summer.
Bora Bora:
Color: Pacific Blue
Cold Throw: Passion fruit is the first scent that I can pick out individually. The passion fruit is surrounded by other juicy tropical fruits. I think I get hints of pineapple, a little bit of mango, and a bit more of the acai berry. This one is a super fruity tropical type of scent. It just screams summer on an exotic island. The fruits all blend together nicely without clashing. Passion fruit is the main fragrance, but the other fruits accompany it making it a great tropical fragrance.
Warm Throw: This one was the same warm as cold only the passion fruit blended in a bit more with the other tropical fruits. This one was just a pretty well blended tropical scent that was unique because it doesn't smell like any other tropical fragrance I've had before. The scent throw on this one I found to be a little under medium, however I did have a lot of company that day so the door was open a lot so that could have contributed to the lighter scent I smelled.
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I liked both Satsuma & Bora Bora |
Color: Forest Green
Cold Throw: This is a very clean/spa like kind of scent. It's pretty relaxing and calming smelling. I get hints of pear notes, but they are blended in with like a sparkling almost effervescent clean ginseng fragrance. This is a really complex scent that reminds me of something I have smelt before, but can't quite put my finger on. All i can really say is that it does indeed belong in the luxury spa line because it fits the very essence of what walking into a spa smells like.
Warm Throw: I finally figured out what this reminded me of and it was Lysol. It smelt like a cleaner to me at first, but once warmed up the pear came out more and it didn't smell so much like Lysol anymore. It is still a clean scent and the pear in it is a sharp crisp air freshner kind of pear and not a fruity pear smell. I found this one to be a strong scent thrower. It made my house smell like I just did some heavy duty cleaning (which I didn't lol). If you were looking for something fruity this isn't the one for you, but if you wanted something strong and clean then this is what you need. I however tend to light light or fruity clean scents instead of the strong clean scents so this one was just a tad too much for me though I find nothing wrong with the scent
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Japanese Pear & Ginseng was WAY too strong on the cleaner for me. |
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Random miscellaneous scents. |
Color: Pearl White
Cold Throw: This one is from the Top Shelf Black Label Line so it can only be bought in the Top Shelf candles or in scent shot form. It smells pretty much like it's name suggests only more like a virgin mojito since there is no pungent alcohol smell. There is definitely this light cirtusy top notes. It smells like a mixture of grapefruit, limes, and maybe even a touch of lemon. It is a very crisp and fresh semi-sweet citrus smell. I also get a hint of maybe some subdued green notes in the bottom as well, but the green notes don't smell leafy or earthy. They just kind of blend in with the citrus for an all around light and refreshing citrus fragrance.
Warm Throw: A total crowd pleaser in my house. Even people who came over stopped to say how good it smelt and they are used to me constantly melting fragrances and don't comment on it much anymore. This one is a very refreshing super fruity citrus blend with a light watery green note. I really like this one a lot and it has now made it into my favorites list. The throw on this is really great and strong. So it is up there with the super throwers. This one is great for summer time or just warmer weather in general. If you don't like citrus then pass this one up but if you don't mind it then give this one a try. It is great!
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Mojito made my house smell soooo good!! |
Color: Dark Maroon
Cold Throw: An almost exact dupe of the original Yankme scent, however as is typical with Victoria's dupes this one is much stronger smelling. I get a sweet tropical floral that smells like Awapuhi (Hawaiiain White Ginger), then I get an undertone of creamy coconut, as well as a hint of a watery note. The end result smells like a sweet fruity and floral tropical fragrance.
Warm Throw: The scent throw on this one was medium average although I do have to say the cold throw was stronger than warm throw. This one is pretty much just a tropical floral with some coconut and a nice watery note to balance it all out. This one is a unique scent for the summer. It isn't too strong smelling, but it does make the room smell nice and pretty.
Amber Romance:
Color: Burnt Orange
Cold Throw: I've never smelt the perfume version of this, but it is nice. It's pretty heavy on the warm amber, but I still can sniff out the vanilla and feminine musky tones underneath. This one is like a sensual women's perfume that leans more on the musky side of things. It is definitely perfumey. It is nice for those who like warmer feminine scents that lean a little on the masculine side, while still being girlish. If that makes any sense at all. The amber just gives it this depth while the vanilla gives a slightly sweet touch, and the musk rounds it all out.
Warm Throw: I stand by my initial description. This one smells exactly the same warmed up as it does on cold only the amber smells a bit warmer. This is just a feminine musky sensual type of perfume that is both a little rich and sweet. The throw on this one was about medium average. I would consider this more of a bedroom scent than a household scent. Still it is nice and great if you like the original fragrance or are just a fan of amber scents in general.
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AR is a bedroom scent so you might want to be careful who you burn it around. |
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Houseblends and customer creations... |
Color: Pumpkin Orange
Cold Throw: This was my free scent shot and I was happy to see it because this has been on my wishlist for awhile now, but never ends up making the final cut. This smells like an authentic mango smoothie. Sometimes "smoothie" scents end up smelling too sweet to be considered a genuine smoothie fragrance, however this is not one of them. It has the tartness of the real fruits blended together, yet at the same time is still juicy and sweet. I get more of the mango and papaya then the peach and lemon, but all the fruits mesh really well together and it does indeed smell like a wax replica of a mango smoothie.
Warm Throw: Continues to smell just like a real life smoothie. It's semi-sweet juicy and slightly tart just like the real deal. Mango and papaya still make up the majority of the scent but I think the other fruits help round out the fragrance. The scent throw on this one is pretty average. If you like fruity scents, but want a natural smelling scent then give this little guy a try.
I'll Have What She's Having:
Color: Saddle Brown
Cold Throw: This one was created by Jason and it is a mixture of two bakery fan favorites Bear Claws and Chocolate Chip Cookie. I can definitely pick out the Bear Claws over the Chocolate Chip Cookie. I get the rich caramel and fried dough scent. Bear Claws so far is the dominant fragrance. There is a sort of faint background note that is similar to that of Chocolate Chip Cookie on cold throw. I'd say on cold throw alone it smells like a richer more enhanced Bear Claws. It's really yummy and is a heavy bakery scent.
Warm Throw: This has a stronger scent throw more on the above average side. It continues to be a heavy warm bakery scent, however this one kind of reminded me of like a really yummy baked bread. Not exactly like a real cinnamon bread or zucchinni bread (the real scents not the Victoria fragrances lol) but something close to it. I think the mixture of the fried dough from Bear Claws and the crisp cookie notes from Chocolate Chip Cookie combined to make this like rich delicious baked bread with maybe some caramel on top fragrance. This is just pure bakery goodness. I really liked this one I think it will be great to burn in the colder month's when I'm craving something comforting and warm smelling from the bakery line. I will say though if you can't handle heavy bready bakery notes like Cinnamon Raisin Bread, Zucchinni Bread, or things of that nature then you might not care so much for this one.
Peachy Pink Coral:
Color: Dark Raspberry
Cold Throw: I smell both the White Nectarine & Pink Coral and the Blushing Peaches in this. The WN&PC is the main fragrance. I can smell the pink Herbal Essence shampoo fragrance, but at the same time the Blushing Peaches adds a bit more sweetness and depth to the fragrance so the peaches smell less like gummie rings and more on the fruity peachy side. This one is really sweet and girly smelling. Smells like a peach shampoo.
Warm Throw: The Blushing Peaches half comes out a bit more once warmed so that the peaches are stronger and become the main fragrance with the Herbal Essence shampoo notes moving into the background. You still get both of these great scents however the combine to make one new peachy shampoo like fragrance. The scent throw for this one was pretty average.
Breaking Dawn:
Color: Burnt Orange
Cold Throw: Based on the description there is a lot going on in this one scent. However on cold throw I mainly only get a citrusy cleaner note that is very reminiscent of the one found in Butt Naked. It is a very light citrus that's not really orangey or lemony, but a mixture of both and smells somewhat like a light floor cleaner. That is pretty much all I can pick up on cold throw alone.
Warm Throw: I was a little worried that this would end up being a too complex scent for my nose to handle because of all the fragrances listed on the website's description however that was not the case. This one actually ended up with mainly only three fragrances. The first thing I got was still citrus, but it was made lighter by a bottom note of a slightly earthy scent that smelled like a light tonka bean. The tonka bean and citrus is then rounded out by a breezy ocean air type of fragrance. All the fragrances mix and blend together really well to make a nice light fragrance. This one isn't too citrusy, or too earthy, or too oceany, but a nice balance of all three. I liked this one a lot better than I thought I would. The scent throw is pretty moderate. I think I will like this one more when I am cleaning and want something unique to melt.
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These were all great scents! All worth trying! |